
We want to clarify that we (urdugulf.com) provide only job-related information and indications to its users and visitors. We also inform our visitors about job opportunities of their interest from various authentic and verified sources. We do not provide jobs by urdugulf.com. You can approach the job provider or employer at your own risk. Kindly do not share any personal or financial information as your security is our top priority. We are not responsible for any legal issue related to it.

Security of your personal information is important to us. On urdugulf.com, we do not have any items of physical products or services to sell or purchase so we don’t require any debit or credit card information.

You can contact us about this privacy policy by writing or emailing us at the address below:

Email: maqeeeltahir@gmail.com

PO Box: 4251 Al Rashidiyah Dubai – United Arab Emirates